CURRENT PRICE: $4000 effective 01/01/2025
Deposits required in 2025 will be $500.
Factors Affecting Puppy Prices:
We have been asked if a companion or pet is less expensive than a show quality newf. All of our dogs are show quality, some are just closer to perfect than others. We don't charge more for a show newf because we know that the owner(s) will need to spend money on entry fees, grooming and handling as well as travel expenses to get to the shows. A show newf is actually much more expensive because of these costs. So why do some breeders charge less for their dogs? Many "mini mill" breeders will charge less because they breed alot of dogs each year and with that volume they can charge less. Many of these breeders do not do all of the health checks, they might show their dogs but not seriously they are just making an appearance. Be sure to do your homework and consider the cost of hip surgery or the heart ache having a dog die very young because their parents were not checked for things like Cystinuria. We health screen all of our dogs and we breed to produce a limited number of puppies each year. It isn't uncommon to spend $10,000 to produce 4 puppies. The price we charge doesn't come close to covering the costs of breeding. Also, please read this article I don't want a show dog I just want a pet
Below I have outlined just a few of the factors that go into the purchase price of a Belle Harbour Newfoundland Puppy. These costs are PER Dog.
General Care of Sire and/or Dam:
- Food - $50/week $2600/year
- Vet Visits - $500 - $800 Annually
- Health Products - Flea prevention, Heartworm Prevention, etc. - $300 Annually
Dog Shows
- Entry Fees - $40.00 - $45.00/ each day for show
- Grooming supplies / equipment – Avg. $200.00 yearly
- Shows needed to complete a Championship - 5 to 10
- Show expenses - travel, meals, lodging,gas - $700 - $900/show
- Annual National Specialty - $3,000 - $5,000 (we do not attend every year)
Health Clearances
- OFA Hips & Elbows - $500 for X-Ray, Postage and certification
- DNA Newfoundland Panel - $100
- Patella - $85.00 for exam & Certification
- Thyroid - $200 for bloodwork and certification
- Cardiac - $400 for exam and certification
CERF (Eyes)
- $25.00 - $50.00 for exam
- $15 for certification
- Test done every two years
General Blood Panel
- $200.00 for blood drawn and tested
- Testing done annually
Breeding Costs
- Progesterone testing - $85.00 - $150 per test, 3 test minimum
- Stud Fees - $3500.00 - $4000.00
- Shipping costs - $400.00 - $800.00
- Artificial Insemination - $800.00 - $1,500.00 (depending on if fresh or frozen)
- C-Section if needed - $3000
Pre-Natal Care
- Ultrasound to confirm pregnancy - $190.00 (we now do this ourselves as we purchased a machine)
- Higher consumption of diet - $100.00
- Pre-Delivery Radiograph - $200
Puppy Care given prior to going to new homes (each puppy)
- Physical Exams - $85.00
- Vaccines - $50.00
- Check for Internal Parasites - $50.00
- Microchip Implant - $50.00
Time, Services and other factors
- Socialization of puppies
- Crate Training of puppies
- Leash Training and Basic Obedience
- Temperament Testing
- Pedigree Research
- Interviewing Prospective Homes
- Small Litter Size ( It costs just as much for a litter of 2 as a litter of 10, actually more because small litters require a c-section which is $2500)
- Unexpected Emergencies (C-Sections, Complicated Deliveries, etc.)
- Taxes
- New consumer protection law pertaining to puppy sales
These are just a few of the things that go into the purchase price of a puppy. Another thing to keep in mind, the purchase price may be one of the largest one-time expenses, but it is miniscule in the overall cost of care for the lifetime of a Newfoundland Dog or Puppy who will share his or her life with you. Responsible breeders take great care in insuring that you are getting a healthy puppy who will be an excellent example of the Newfoundland breed.
At Belle Harbour we take our responsibility as breeders seriously.